A couple of posts ago I showed you the Cinderella fabric that had directions and cutouts to make a Cinderella doll. This was such an awesome way to learn a couple of more techniques, and it was pretty fun. I finally finished the doll and my daughter loved it!

I also had some extra felt left over from a purse I made her awhile back. I had no idea what to make, but I remembered she had a jean jacket that had NO patches on it, yet. One of her favorite shows is Yo Gabba Gabba, so I had to sew on one of the characters. The majority of the felt was pink, so Foofa was it!

I still have so many things to do. I have a whole pile of jeans and shorts my husband wants me to put buttons on or hem, I really want to make my daughter an apron and mitt for her kitchen, a bunch of projects in my Stitch by Stitch book that I'm using to learn to sew, finish knitting my daughter's robe/jacket that I've been working on FOREVER, and I wanted to try to sell some drawings that I haven't even started yet! Its a great time to start wanting to do all this stuff with a baby coming. I don't think I'm going to get too far on it in the near future. Hopefully, I will be able to find time for myself... I still have to work out and finish school! Its going to be a busy end of the year!
I don't know when I will be posting next since I have to be at the hospital at 8am tomorrow morning. I also don't know how long I will have to stay in there. With my first it was 48 hours after the baby was born. Ugh. I hate hospitals!
I hope everyone's long weekend was good! Have a good rest of the week if I don't talk to you before then!