1. Travel

2. Take classes that will help with my hobbies. Sewing, knitting, saxophone, drawing photography, mechanic...

3. Buy a tenor saxophone. I used to play in high school and I could have been really awesome if I kept at it!

4. Open my own bar/venue.

5. Build a library in my house.

6. Ikea shopping spree.

7. Buy a mid-century home.

8. Have an awesome craft room.

9. Have an amazing closet that will most likely be an open closet in my craft room. I love this idea!

10. Own a 1959 Cadillac DeVille. My dream car! They are so amazing! Wouldn't mind the airstream, either.

11. Buy a ton more English bulldogs. How could you not love these dogs?!

Things I Like to Do When I'm Sick
2. Eat chicken noodle soup and drink tea.
3. Watch cheesy day time TV like Judge Mathis and Cheaters. Sometimes even Maury.
Doing that list of winning the lottery really makes me hate money! Only because I don't have a lot. Makes me so mad that celebrities can get $25 million for making one movie. What do they do with all that money! Its insane! I need to start a charity in my name or something. Haha. Or maybe Brad and Angelina will adopt me.
I never play the lottery because it doesn't seem worth it with the odds. Plus, the last 3 people who have won the national lottery have been killed!
Sorry, went on a little rant. Hope everyone's weekend is a good one! We're stuck in Fayetteville and its rainy. Sigh. Can't wait till the weather gets nicer and cooler! Anyone doing anything fun?