We took Brutus to the vet yesterday, because he had what looked like a blood blister on the inside of his back leg that wouldn't go away. The vet told us it was a tumor.
Dan dropped him off at the vet this morning for surgery to remove the tumor. We'll be picking him up this afternoon.
They're sending in the tumor for a bisopsy to see if it is malignant. I hope our little boy is alright. I don't know what I would do without his slobbery face. I can't sleep at night if I don't hear him snoring!
My daughter, Maggie, has been walking around the house with Brutus' leash saying "Brutus walk." Poor thing misses him already. I've done a lot of research and it seems like these are really common in a certain number of breeds of dogs, bulldogs being one of them. His mood hasn't changed, so I hope its benign. I'm so worried about my little Vienna sausage!