Saturday, September 3, 2011

30 Days of Lists: Day 3

People I Love
1.  All of my family and in-laws (yes, its true.  My in-laws are awesome.)
2.  My husband, Dan.
3.  My daughter, Maggie, and soon to be daughter, Lizzy.
4.  My dog, Brutus.  He's not a person, but he acts more like one than a dog.
5.  All of my friends.  I'm at the point in my life where I would rather have more really close friends than just a lot of acquaintances.
6.  Alexander Skarsgaard, Russell Crowe, Ryan Gosling, Jake Gyllenhaal, Vinnie Jones, Michael Madsen, Henry Cavill, Tom Hardy...  I've never met this men, but I'm sure I could easily love any one of them.
7.  Any old school soul, R&B, Motown, ska, or rock steady singer.  These people's music can lift me up whenever I am down.
8.  Old people.  They're adorable and they're at the point in their lives where they don't care and say whatever they want.  This usually results in some pretty funny conversations.

How's everyone's weekend?  Doing anything fun?  I'm still waiting for my daughter to come! If she's doesn't come before Tuesday I have a scheduled induction.  I didn't want to go that route, but at least she'll be here!