Here's a couple of pictures from this week...

Can you guess what this is? Haha, I took this picture as a joke cause it looked like a butt. Its just my husband's knee.

Maggie and I getting ready to go to dinner with my older sister and mom. Its sad that I won't be able to do this for much longer. And that I will pretty much be stuck in my house not able to give a good farewell to my friends before we move.

Maggie ready to go with her awesome mob glasses and Yo Gabba Gabba dress.

A little black rat snake hanging in our backyard. I think it was pretty scared because it was kind of backed into a corner and had no where to run when I got close. When I knelt down to get one of those pictures it's tail started shaking like a rattlesnake's. I had never seen one of them do that before. I got a little freaked out and backed away. I did not want to to turn out to be a baby rattlesnake or something! I don't think it was because the head wasn't triangular and the body had no patterns on it, but I left just to be safe.

I taught Maggie how to sing with a brush. Everytime I raised the camera, she would lower the brush. Sigh. One day I will get it!
I have been wanting a new camera lately. The one I have is pretty old, and I would really like a better one. Does anyone have any suggestions? Also, has anyone ever bought a camera from Ebay before? I have seen a lot of really awesome cameras for pretty cheap, but I'm scared of buying them used. It would suck if I bought it and something broke on it right away and I had no warranty!
I joined the 30 Days of Lists for September! You can preregister (TODAY is the final day!) to get into the drawing for a toy camera! You will also receive some awesome tutorials to make your own homemade journals out of household items.
I hope everyone's weekend is going alright. I'm just sitting around the house relaxing and getting through these "practice" contractions before the baby comes!