Our dog Brutus is in love with Dan. He doesn't really get the licking fits with me or Maggie... Just Dan. And he really likes licking his head. I think it might be rough and feel good on his tongue since Dan always shaves his head. Well, here's a picture of Brutus going to town.

My projects this week haven't been too exciting. They are ones that go along with the book I bought, Stitch by Stitch. One I had to use the applique method of sewing. It was good to learn, though, because I might use it in the future on some crafts I come up with.

This next one turned out to be a failure. I was supposed to draw a picture on a piece of fabric and then freestyle sew with the feeder dogs down. This was really hard. Because the presser feet were down they held the fabric so tight I could barely move the fabric at all! In the middle of it I just ended up putting the feeder dogs back up and sewing VERY slowly.

My husband has also been asking me to fix a couple of pair of jeans he has laying around that he doesn't wear because they're too long or have holes in them. Luckily I was able to fix them! I'm turning out to be a pretty awesome housewife!
Awhile ago when I was in Minnesota we went to a couple of antique shops. I said i was going to post my stuff I bought, but I never did. Whoops! Here's two of the things I got. An old 50s ad for Pyrex and two 70's jelly jars with the Archie characters on them. I used to buy those comics any chance I got. Especially at the grocery check out line.

I hope everyone's week was good, and that you are going to have an awesome weekend! Doing anything fun?