I am really sad to say I don't remember where I found this shop, but I am so excited I did! The Carnaby Streak is all about keeping the 60s mod style alive. They have so many adorable dresses and they are made-to-order. Made-to order!!! You pick the design you like, then the colors, and you can even get custom sizing. Plus, they are affordable! Some dresses are 50 GBP, which is around 75 USD, and that is totally worth it for a handmade dress. I will definitely be buying one in the near future for summer! Check these out and imagine all the color possibilities!

Ahhh! They are so cute! I wouldn't mind having one of those scooters either. That's another summer accessory I need here in the Twin Cities.
Hope you're having a good day! Got all my groceries and getting ready for my first snow emergency!