Its not much, but its works for me! The only bad part about it is having to drag everything out from all different parts of the house to start sewing. I cannot wait for the day that I have my own woman cave and my husband has his man cave so we can do whatever we want!
I bought a book called "Stitch by Stitch" by Deborah Moebes. It has a bunch of different projects to get you comfortable with starting off sewing. It starts out very easy.

The first project is making a sampler of the stitches your sewing machine can do. Like I said, very easy. But for someone who has never used a sewing machine, like me, it got me really used to how the machine works. It was also really cool to see all the different stitches my machine could do!

I did this yesterday. Today, I thought I'd move on to making a toddler dress... with no pattern. Haha, let's just say it didn't turn out like I had planned (or not planned). I strongly recommend at least getting some kind of measurement from your kid or self for whatever project you are going to do. I used an old shirt I had to make her a Yo Gabba Gabba dress. I cut it up to what I thought would fit her and started sewing away. I definitely underestimated how big she is now!

It turned out to be a little small in the arm holes and way to tight around the legs. I was going to take it off, because I thought she was uncomfortable, but she wasn't having it. Its funny how kids will love anything if it has their favorite characters face on it. Oh, by the way, sorry for the unflattering picture of my dog.
Which sewing books have helped you the most? Have you done any projects lately?