I have lived in North Carolina most of my life. At night you can here cicadas where ever you live in the state, but you rarely see them alive. I have only ever seen their molted exoskeletons stuck to trees or fences or dead carcuses on the ground. For some reason this area we live in has then EVERYWHERE. I see 2 or 3 new exoskeletons right outside our house every day. Then, yesterday afternoon when I was bringing in my laundry, a spotted a cicada sitting on the fence.

They are so adorable! I don't know what it is. Maybe cause they're so ugly they're cute. I was so excited about seeing alive one, but my husband did not share the same enthusiasm. He had never seen a live one either! I don't know why he was freaking out like I was!
Later in the night we went outside to sit on our deck and talk and sitting on my deck shelf was ANOTHER live cicada!

Could not believe I saw two in one day. It was awesome. Its crazy. Their heads look like praying mantis heads.
I was curious if they had any stuff on Etsy that dealt with them, and I now may have to get this...

Its made by sandrandan and its $20.00 in her store!
Just a couple of more days and my pregnancy will be over! A couple of more days and the hurricane will be here also. Sigh. Hopefully not the same day. Everyone be safe if you're on the East Coast!