My inspiration this week comes from pluots. Have you ever heard of these? They are a mix of a plum and apricot, but there are so many different kinds. My husband and I went to our grocery store yesterday and they had so many different flavors. I really recommend if you can find them, to try a flavorosa pluot. They are incredible delicious. It tastes like grape candy. They also have a really pretty color. They are a deep purple just like plums, but they are also purple on the inside.

This sunset is so gorgeous! I wish I could see something like this!

I really want to try a color like this in my hair. Cotton candy hair is so cute.

Purple eyeshadow is my favorite. I used to hate the glitter because it reminded me of the early 2000's, but this is too pretty to say no.

I love this picture. I really wish I knew the photographer, so I could look at more of their work!

I love houses like this! So much personality!

This fabric is called "Queen of Hearts in Plum." Such a perfect name.

I really love these dresses. They remind me of cigarette girl dresses. Only thing missing is the little hat.

I know I have said this before, but I really want a bike! I need one when I move to Minneapolis. Not sure where I would put the kiddies, though. I might have to buy those pull along tent things that connect to the back.

I love this woman. Not only for incredible voice, but her attitude about how she looks. "My life is full of drama, and I won’t have time to worry about something as petty as what I look like. I don’t like going to the gym." At least she's not afraid to say it!
What are you getting inspiration from this week?