This weekend was a pretty fun one. Friday I spent the night watching True Blood and knitting a sweater for my daughter. Saturday I went up to hang with my friend, Rebecca. We had the normal girl talk and went to pick up some lamps her fiance's mother was repairing for me. I bought 2 lamps from The Lovely's on Etsy (which sadly is not a shop anymore) awhile back and they didn't work when I got them. She replaced the cloth cords with MUCH safer ones and also added a dimmer switch! So awesome! All I need to do now is go out and get me some light bulbs and I can set them up in my bedroom!
After that, we went out to see my mother in Durham to drop of Maggie for the night. We had dinner at this bar called Satisfactions - my old stomping ground. Sigh. Always brings back blurry memories going back to that place. Mostly of getting kicked out. Haha. But anyways, there was an amazing car sitting outside and I had to get a picture of it!

Sunday, Dan and I got to kind of sleep in - just 30 minutes - since we didn't have Maggie, but we had to pick her up from my mom, so we didn't get to sleep in too much. But it was alright because we met up with my sister, Rebecca, and her fiance, and went to the flea market at the state fairgrounds.
It was amazing day for finds. In one of the buildings, Rebecca discovered a woman who sells mostly vintage kitchen stuff. When you think of stuff for your kitchen, do you think Pyrex??? I know I do. And I could NOT BELIEVE the amount this woman had. Not only did she have a lot, but she had tons of complete sets. I was in Pyrex heaven. It was incredible, and I was so angry I only had 9 bucks on me! I wanted to buy everything! She had this amazing butter dish, salt and pepper shaker, and oil and vinegar bottles set. All had the same brown pattern. They were so adorable, and I am incredibly pissed at myself that I did not get a picture of them! I did, however, get a picture of her stash. She had the tables filled, the shelves underneath the tables, and then an area of stacked Pyrex just waiting to be put out on display when there was room.

I really think this would be my dream job. The woman said she goes out 4 days a week all over North Carolina looking for the stuff. My problem would be selling the stuff. I know I would become a hoarder. But at least I would be hoarding beautiful vintage wares and not trash!

Not from the same vendor, but a really cute spice rack I found! Too bad it was 37 dollars...
Since I only had 9 dollars, I didn't walk away with that much stuff. Its probably a good thing that I didn't have more since we're going on our road trip to Minnesota on Friday. I should be saving money, not spending! Buuuuut, I couldn't help it. I really needed a glass 2-cup measuring cup and they had the regular clear Pyrex one, so i got it. Then my sister surprised me and said she wanted to get me something! I tried to be like, nooooo, its cool, you don't have to, but she insisted, and I totally gave in. I picked out a really cute syrup container that was also pretty cheap.

Isn't it adorable?!
I forgot how awesome the flea market is. Dan took Maggie in the stroller for awhile, so my hands were free to rummage through things. Its such a different experience when you don't have a stroller, and you can look at the glass stuff without having to worry about little hands knocking things off tables. Now all I have to do is have this baby so I don't have to rest so much, and can spend hours shopping instead of just one.
How was your weekend? Do anything fun? Find any good finds?
By the way... I found this website today that locates estate sales in your area! Some even have pictures of the things they will be selling!!!