Last week we drove up in separate vehicles and I remembered my wind farm. I saw a lone windmill and started to freak out in my car (I literally was freaking out, making all kinds of noises and sending texts to my husband)! Soon I started seeing them everywhere on the left side. We had chose a different route to drive so we didn't drive straight through it, but I still got to see a lot.
I don't know why I am so amazed by them. There is something really pretty about them. I'm crazy, I know. I tried taking a couple of pictures (and by a couple I mean 64) and only a few came out. So, here are the two best shots I got of part of my wind farm!

Sigh. I really want to go back and take more pictures of it. But I know the only way that will happen is if we drive back to North Carolina. Ten hours is a little far for me to drive just to get some pictures... although, I did see a lot of antique signs along the way.

This is a photo of the actual wind farm that someone else took. Why are they so beautiful to me? Please tell me someone else shares my insane admiration for these things!
Does anyone else have any crazy things that they think are really pretty and can't explain why?