Tattooed Women
Nowadays, tattoos are pretty much a dime a dozen. Teachers, doctors, and even some preachers have given in and gotten them. My mom has even mentioned a couple of times of maybe getting one is the future! Tattoos are gradually getting more and more accepted everyday, and I think its wonderful. But this post is all about the women back in the day that were tattooed, not because it was cool or they wanted to fit in, but because they themselves thought it was beautiful. I can't even imagine how hard it was for these girls to walk around with the tattoos that they did. Society has come a long way since then, so let's take a minute and admire these pioneers for dealing with all the crap that we don't have to deal with today!
I usually post the tattoo related stuff on Tuesday, but I came across one of these photos last night and couldn't help but post them today. They're amazing!
Sources: French Twist, Sitting Alone, Showing Thighs, Undies, Crossing Legs