We haven't got to go out much since its been pretty cold and its the holiday season. The other day we had a free day and the husband wasn't at work, so we went to the Como Zoo and Conservatory. My husband had told me awhile ago it was a free zoo, so I didn't think it was going to be that great. I pictured in my head one small building with a couple of tiny animals and some crazy plants. I was totally wrong. It was like an actual zoo. Some of the exhibits were closed because of the winter, but most were still open. They had a rainforest room that felt so good compared to the cold, dry air outside! I wanted to put on my bathing suit and just lay in there.
They had a lot of monkies that were ssssoooo adorable. I could not stop taking pictures of the ones with mustaches. They wanted to play so much! The mom and baby orangatangs were playing a lot, too. I couldn't get a good picture because they were moving so much, but you can see in the picture above what I mean. They kept hitting the dad sleeping, too. He did not like that so much. But like my bulldog, he just went right back to sleep. If you're ever in the Twin Cities, you should check it out! Its a great thing to do if you get cabin fever in the winter.
What kinds of things do you do to get through the winter?