This is the most adorable garden I have ever seen! Its so organized!

My friend did a Roy Lichtenstein costume like this one a couple of years ago. He's my all time favorite artist, so I definitely need to do this one year!

This was such an adorable picture. These kids are even cooler than I was in high school.

I'm not going to lie. When I first saw the previews for this movie I was so disappointed Ryan Gosling decided to do an action movie that I thought was going to be like Fast and the Furious. Luckily, he hadn't betrayed me like I thought. Drive was such an a great movie! Not only did he look amazing and I fell in love with him all over again, the music was awesome!

I really wish I had the money to buy a house now. I would totally do my kitchen like this. It has such a vintage feel with the color choices. I found this picture on Pinterest, but it linked to a now dead LA Craigslist ad. Sigh. Someone was selling the house with this kitchen.
I still cannot figure out what is wrong with my layout. I have tried going into the template and editing the HTML. Nothing is fixing it! I add my pictures using the "Edit HTML" tab on the post page. I tell the picture to be 570 pixels wide and on my actual blog it looks like I added it through the "Compose" tab. I really hope it gets fixed soon! C'mon Blogger!!!