I think one of my favorite pieces of furniture is a credenza. Its a great place for storage and also the perfect place to display all your favorite things! I have been looking all over the Twin Cities and have yet to find one in my price range. There is a local vintage store that I follow on Facebook called Golden Age Design that has found some on the side of the road in perfect condition! Why would you put a beautiful piece of furniture like this on the side of the road to go to the dump?! That makes me cry! It really makes me want to drive through every neighborhood in the metro area and try to find my own. That would be hilarious if I found one, because the only people I would have with me are my two daughters that are both under 3. I would have to stake the place out until my husband was able to get there and help! It would so be worth it. I am in love with the first one. Teak is such a lovely color of wood! Which is your favorite?
Sources: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh