Monday, November 14, 2011

Blogging Break

I'm sure if you are a daily reader you have noticed I have not been posting as much.  This month has already been crazy and will continue to be crazy until the beginning of December. I am going to take a little break until then.  We have so much to do between now and then!  I just got a new computer so I'm trying to get all my work stuff installed and everything moved from my old one to this one.  Wednesday my husband and I are driving to Minneapolis to look for our new home. Woo! We won't have the kids for a couple of days!  Then Monday we're flying back and getting ready to go my grandma's for Thanksgiving.  Then we're making the big move.  And in the middle of all that we have to pack, I have to continue to keep up with my work, and finish my final exam for school. Whew!  I can't wait until we're finally settled!

Anyways, just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't given up on this thing! Just really busy! Hope you have a good Thanksgiving!  I'll see you when I'm in Minnesota!